
It's probably a bit late to fall in love with Vitas now. But hey, the world is full of attraction and temptation, who could blame me?

If no other business, I sometimes spend my evening with a glass of red wine and browse the internet looking for n'importe quoi. Tonight's search brought me to watch Vitas' most famous performance "Opera 2".

This vedio is truly incredible. Anybody who had ever watched this would be amazed by Vitas' vocal range, his lovely voice, and of course, for female audience, his sultry expression and vampire-like beauty. Hey, Oscar Wild called, he wants his Dorian Gray back!

The performance in the vedio clip is great, yet the quality of the vedio is not so great: "I'm a Vitas fan, really enjoy his music, his vocal range, voice, presentation, and all his quirkiness. Buuuut,....the director should have screened those girls for the "back" quite a bit better. One covered her ears, two looked like they were dying from heat stroke or running marathons. That is the most akward "audience" I've seen in a video production in some time. Saved by Vitas' incredible incredibleness, incredibly."---by Merrida100

Years later, Vitas shoot a commercial for the socaled "Central European Sedan", the commerical is here:

OMG, Vitas has got much rounder in the commericial and the comments are extremely funny:

lovecveta 回覆對象: soromooo 2 個月以前 13
joey0923 2 週以前

He's still good looking, but I much prefer he looks when he seemed like Raskolnikov in the Crime and Punishement, who could barely fed himself.

Last clip here, the sexy violin and his look is way too distracting

It's not too late to fall in love with Vitas. Ah, remind me to buy better speakers for my computer.


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